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Sundays, 9 & 10:30 am
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I'm New

At Marine View, God is calling us to create environments where each person is mobilized to go deeper with Jesus and reach wider with his love. From worship, to community groups, to kids and youth ministries, leadership development, serving in our community and more. Marine View is a great place to connect in community and grow in faith.

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Are you a first-time visitor? Have a prayer request? Need some help? Just fill out our Connect Card and let us know what’s on your mind.

connect card

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What do I wear?
Where do I park?
Where do I go once I get here?
Where do my kids go at 9am?
Where do my kids go at 10:30am?
What can I expect during the worship service?
What does our teaching look like?
What about communion?

connect with us

Are you a first-time visitor? Want to hear more about us?
Just fill out our Connect Card and let us know what’s on your mind.

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